Flying Twitter Bird Widget By Making Different Difference between a 220V, 110V and 120V power inverter | Power Inverters

Difference between a 220V, 110V and 120V power inverter

While buying a power inverter, you may be confused as to which one to buy. They come in different volt measures and it can be befuddling for a layman to figure out which one would be ideal for him. 220V power inverter is the inverter which comes with the highest volt. In simple terms, it can generate more power with a constant availability of current. Those who have read their physics may recall that volt multiplied by current gives power. So, with a given current, higher the volt, higher will be the generation of power.

This again brings us down to the more simplified question about the number of appliances in your house and the total power consumption required. It is quite understandable that a small house with limited power needs can do with an 110V power inverter. In case, you are going to run with extremely heavy appliances and all of them at the same time, you may need to go for a higher inverter. It is important to remember that different appliances put varying degrees of load on your inverter. Appliances like a toaster or your LED lights will put lesser load than the likes of a refrigerator. Likewise, if you do not own a washing machine or in case you do not have an AC at home, you can easily do with a 120V power inverter at most. 

With heavier appliances especially at work places where there are multiple computers and ACs working at tandem, a 220V power inverter may be the more feasible option. 


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